Michael McDermott for New York Governor 2014

Tag Archives: 2nd Amendment

Michael McDermott On Live It Up! With Donna Drake

Michael McDermott Interviewed on WTBQ, Orange County!

Gubernatorial candidate Michael McDermott takes on the HARD questions with Frank Fornario and Bill Barker on WTBQ radio in Orange County, New York.

Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

My Thoughts On The Passing of The ‘New York SAFE’ Act & Becoming A Criminal By Fiat

Elusive Thoughts

gun-control_o_758196It has been sometime since I’ve written anything in this blog of mine; a lot has gone on in my life and I have been kept away, but the recent happenings in the legislature of my home state, New York, have prompted me to write again. Though my readership maybe small (if any after all this time) I still feel the need to write something anyways. Something about this egregious loss of freedom we New Yorkers now face and the dark future this law passing hearkens for our great nation.

The line in the sand has now unquestioningly been drawn between the two sides in this nation: those who wish to be left alone and those who will not leave them alone.

By fiat I have now become a criminal; I have done nothing wrong, committed no crime, but because of the ambitions of one man and those of his ‘party’ who follow him (and even some in the ‘party’ that don’t), and their desires to force change upon the people regardless of the tragedies they must exploit to do so, I am now to be treated no differently then a pedophile.

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